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Thursday, October 29, 2009

6 Ways to Use Twitter to Market Your Small Business

Brought to you by Alison Woo

Recent news reports show that small businesses have flocked to Twitter in larger numbers than big businesses. What I'm amazed about is how this tool, that only a few people knew about last year this time, has become an marketing tool with amazing versatility.

Almost every day I find someone who is using Twitter in a number of ways:

From restaurant Crepe Cellar in Charlotte that's using it to offer unadvertised specials, to Kilwin's, an amazing fudge and ice cream place, that's using it to drive customers sample their WillyWonka-esque delights.

If you want to think bigger about your business communciations, it's time to get on board Twitter. What do you need to know if you want to use Twitter to market your business? Here are a few brief pointers:

Twitter is all about conversations. So speak naturally. Remember what they used to say in high school speech classes? It still works here. Imagine that you are speaking to just one person.
Use a light touch. Don't hit people over the head with "Buy my widget!" Share what you have to offer. You wouldn't walk up to someone at a cocktail party and say that so imagine what you would say. Be subtle.
It's about tone. "Be yourself no matter what they say" Sting croons in "Englishman in NY." He's right. No one can be you better than you can, so be your lovely, witty, authentic self.
Post often. Twitter works best in short, frequent bursts. So plan on Tweeting at least once a day. More if you can say something fresh and relevant.
Use tools to make it easy. There's a ton of apps out there that are free and fabulous. Are you time strapped? Use TweetDeck, futuretweets or Twuffer to help you plan your posts.
Have fun! Yes, I've said it. The F word. Fun! Not enough business owners are having fun using new media. You can't take life so seriously that there's no joy in it. Otherwise it's just another thing to do on your ever-growing "To Do" list. And who wants that? What would make it fun for you? Why did you go into business in the first place? To help people? To make a difference? Reconnect to that playful, passionate side of your business nature and your readers and followers will have fun too!
For more free business marketing tips, tools and tweets from the book, "How to Say It: Marketing with New Media" follow us at www.twitter.com/newmediamavens.

Alison Woo is the Chief Media Maven at New Media Mavens, a digital marketing agency in New York City and Charlotte, NC.

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